Study Proves Prayer Studies Are Bogus

Around Easter someone released a study purporting to show that prayer doesn't work .To give the lie to all those older studies showing that it does. Either way, it's always seemed to me that such studies are preposterous on their face. For prayer to "work," one must be praying to God and have actual faith in Him. How does a scientist know he's working with true believers in the experimental group? How does he know they're really praying --and to the right deity? Plus, I often pray for "that soul who needs it most," or "the poor, the sick, and the suffering," and so do all Catholics at daily mass in some form --which pretty much makes a control group of those not prayed for impossible. One of my readers asked me to blog about this awhile back, but I waited, and I'm glad, because Scrappleface nails it.
A team of scientists today ended a 10-year study on the so-called "power of prayer" by concluding that God cannot be manipulated by humans, not even by scientists with a $2.4 million research grant.