

Putin'll pay women to have his babies. If they take him up on it, they'll be smarter for it --"Mommy Mind" is actually a good thing. Oh, and the arms race isn't over yet, even if Russia's been lapped.

VDH is back in fine fettle with "The Prison of the Present."

The world community has been paying attention:

The State Department said yesterday that a fund to pay Palestinian public workers will not become another Iraqi "oil-for-food" scandal because Western donors have learned from experience and the United Nations will not be in charge.

Tom "Rorschach" Wolfe inspires opposing reactions at WaPo & WaTi.

For comic relief, try this unique translation of A-bomb&jihad's letter to Bush.

Mr President, You might know that I am a teacher, and former leader of Tehran NEA. My students ask me how can theses actions be reconciled with the values of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the Messenger of peace and forgiveness. They also ask me if this will be on the exam, and if they can self-flagellate for extra credit. It gets very annoying.