Slow News Day

Front cover of WaPo this morning:
  • Dominant story is huge photo of kids at an un-school, with accompanying text.
  • Obligatory bin Laden tape piece. I actually laughed aloud when I turned to the flip page and saw they actually ran a chart dating and summarizing all of b-L's taped messages since 2001, with a little graphic indicating whether released as audio or video. Can you say "filler"? (And can we please stop running the "undated" photo of him from ten years ago every time he speaks? It gives the impression that he's remaining young and vital while Bush & Blair get greyer and greyer.)
  • Allegations that Iraqi jailors have been torturing inmates.
  • Funeral homes learning immigrant customs.
  • A local murder.
  • New Orleans mayor's race.

What, the front page writers are on vacation?