Network Snooze

Ninme thinks CBS' hiring of Katie Couric indicates they're giving up any pretense of objectivity. I'll buy that, but doesn't it also indicate the Nets are giving up any pretense of seriousness? The woman has worn a Sponge-Bob costume on national t.v., for heavens' sake. And not just as a grunt reporter when she was coming up through the ranks and had to take any assignment. And she's being replaced by the hostess of The View and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? I'm not complaining --no anchor, including Walter Cronkite, The Most Crusted Man in America-- has ever been much more than a News Reader as our British cousins more accurately call them. It's a move that has the virtue of being forthright. I'm just saying, if this doesn't make it abundantly clear that the nightly news is entertainment --to be taken no more seriously than The Daily Show or Access Hollywood-- I can't imagine what would.
No one ever tries to woo John Burns or Ralph Peters or any truly intrepid reporter to the Network News.