Vatican Taking A Hard Line Against Islamofascism?

Civilta Cattolica, a Jesuit mag which is supposed to reflect the views of the Holy See is about to run an editorial calling upon moderate muslims to bring an end to the toon riots.
While it is reasonable to ask the West to avoid offending religious beliefs, Civilta Cattolica argues, it is equally reasonable:
….to ask those who profess themselves to be "pacifist" or "moderate" Muslims, who say that Islam is "a religion of peace," to oppose all forms of fundamentalism and all efforts to create or promote divisions and sentiments of hatred between the peoples of the West and those of the Islamic world, between Christians and Islam.The Jesuit journal goes on to ask Western leaders to end their "inertia and silence" regarding violations of religious freedom in the Islamic world.
Vatican insiders claim that Benedict intends to be much more blunt in Vatican dealings with Islam and Communist China. The elevation of the outspoken bishop of Hong Kong to Cardinal and this challenge to moderate Muslims fits that view.