Wow. Blush. The most interesting aspect of Profumo's story to me, however, is his profound shame over his misdeeds. Does anyone today even remember what that word means? Yet WaTi reports: Filled with remorse, Mr. Profumo never sought to justify himself or seek public sympathy.
and he also became known, in the last 40 years of his life, as a tireless worker or charity and as a man who bore his humiliations with enormous dignity and personal integrity. Mr. Profumo's story is one of a man who made one terrible mistake but sought his own redemption in a way that has no precedent in public life either before or since.
In the WaPo obit, we're told:
"No one judges Jack Profumo more harshly than he does himself," British Bishop Jim Thompson said in 1993. "He says he has never known a day since it happened when he has not felt shame."
Imagine! Sin, followed by shame, remorse & atonement rather than by a book deal. This guy is my new hero.
UPDATE: The P-G provides a bit of doggerel for the occasion.