Following a meeting with Sultan Jamalullail I, the supreme head of the federation of nine states where Islam was proclaimed the state religion, he pontificated: “The world will be in the hands of Islam over the next few years.” According to the president, history “convincingly shows the force of the Islamic religion, aimed not at quashing other peoples, but at serving peace and quietude.”
So, driving Israel into the sea isn't quashing another people? But leave that be for the nonce.
Since my return from the Israel, I've been reading a biography of Saladin which came highly recommended --as part of my continuing effort to convince myself that Islam can be a religion of peace. A proposition already in doubt since 9/11, but which became even more dubious to my mind after seeing it in action in the Holy Land. It wasn't just the armed guards necessary to defend Jerusalem from Islamic worshippers, either --a problem I lay at the feet of an extraordinarily corrupt class of religious leaders more than Islam itself.
No, what set me off was seeing with my own eyes that wherever Islam is, it tries to claim the shrines of Christians & Jews as its own -- driving them out of their own holy places as an assertion of political power. Even today there's a political battle going on in Nazareth because the Muslim city fathers are trying to build a mosque right next door to the Church of the Annunciation. Why does it have to be there? Well, I'm sure there's some pious reason given, but it's hard to shake the impression that it's the better to interrupt Christian services with our minaret, my dear. You can't have mass in the Cenacle because it's a mosque --even though the mosque is no longer in use. It's irritating.
I didn't want to come home from a religious pilgrimage with a greater love for my own faith, deeper respect for Judaism, but hatred for Islam, so I've been reading up. Which I must say isn't really helping. With all due respect for the piety of the Muslims I know --and I do respect them tremendously-- I was amazed by this inscription in the Dome of the Rock:
The Messiah Jesus son of Mary, was only God's messenger, His word that He committed to Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him. So believe in God and His messengers. Do not say 'three'. Refrain: it is better for you. For God is one god. Glory he to Him - that He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. God suffices for a guardian [Qur’an 4:171]. The Messiah will not disdain to be N: God's servant; nor will the angels who are stationed near to Him. Whoever disdains to serve him and waxes proud, He will muster them to Him, all of them. [Qur'an 4:172] 0 God, bless your messenger and servant, Jesus NW: son of Mary. Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is raised up alive. That is Jesus son of Mary, in word of truth, about which they are doubting. It is not for God to take a son. Glory be to Him.
Of the whole Koran, those are the verses they saw fit to enshrine? The Catholic faith obviously has some beefs with other creeds, but I can't imagine anyone erecting a Chapel of the Denunciation of Luther or Our Lady, Cursed Be The Pill Basilica. Is there another shrine in the world that's dedicated to correcting others rather than espousing and appreciating what is one's own?
I admire Saladin and recognize him as an honorable figure; more honorable than some of the Crusaders he opposed. And so was the Caliph Omar centuries before him --the one who founded the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa mosque. The Jews of the time actually preferred the rule of Omar to the Christianity of Byzantium under which they were marginalized. So there are certainly Islamic heroes I can point to as just men. But I admire them as I admire General Lee: great men who were nonetheless my enemies. For it must be noted that Omar & Saladin were just and magnanimous in victory --they were still conquerors. Omar & Saladin were merciful to their opponents. Omar allowed the Jews & Christians to worship freely; so did Saladin. But they had to ask permission. And that is the whole point; when Islam rules, you may be treated decently (if it's not Wahabists in charge), but you will always know it is not by right, but by sufferage. Islam means submission.