In the aftermath of George Clooney's praise of Hollywood's being a little out of touch, everyone and his Aunt Mary has made the point that Hollywood's not only out of touch, it's behind the times: still thinks it's brave to attack Sen. McCarthy or denounce racism, etc. So William Tucker at AEI's online mag has a list of flicks Hollywood could make instead.
The first one: nah, Hollywood would ruin it. They'd leave out Reagan, Thatcher & the Pope and claim it was all Gorby's doing. And Jimmy Carter.The Fall of the Berlin Wall. The most important historical event since World War II hasn't been touched on the screen.
The Alger Hiss Story. A top American diplomat is accused of being a Soviet
agent by a frumpy, down-at-the-heels magazine editor, Whittaker Chambers. The
conspiracy -- which probably handed Eastern Europe to the Soviets -- begins to
unravel.Loyalties, by Carl Bernstein. The hero of Watergate sets out to exonerate his parents and other victims of McCarthyism. After researching the story, however, he realizes they actually were working with the Soviets.
The second one: well, then Hollywood would have to nullify its previous treatment of the topic --and it would never do to overrule a super-precedent.
Like that last one, though. On second thought, in the Hollywood version they'd be honorable Communists --betraying their country for only the noblest of reasons.