Modern-Day Mysticism

Prominent Jews I'm aware of who claim Christ appeared to them:
  • The Chief Rabbi of Rome during WWII, Israel Zolli, converted to Catholicism (taking the name "Eugenio," after Pius XII) after a spiritual journey that culminated in Christ's appearance to him as he was performing ablutions in the synagogue in Rome.
  • Simone Weil (you never hear about her anymore, but when I was a kid, simply every Conservative in DC was reading her: Jew, Catholic, evangelical, on the fence).
  • Joy Davidman, C.S. Lewis' wife, who'd been a Communist.
  • And now, Naomi Wolf?

A year or so ago, my parents attended a lecture given by Paul Marshall of Freedom House, in which he said they are hearing all kinds of stories now about Christ appearing to Muslims, too. I can't find the link, but I know I read a story somewhere about a Muslim who converted because Christ appeared to him as he was making the Hajj. I have no idea what this means, or even if I believe it in every case. But I point it out.