What Happens When You Hire Michael Moore As A Stringer

Ninme had this story the other day and I was not in the mood to be outraged by journalist incompetence or treason, so I scrolled right by it. Scrolled right by what ought to be a huge story. A major terror plot against the US was foiled last month. It made the front pages all over Europe. Why did we not hear about it here, do you suppose? Could it be because it was an Italian wiretap that foiled the plan? It went out on the AP wire, but only one paper is known to have carried it:

only one American newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, is known to have published the story that the AP distributed. It ran on page A-6 under the headline "Italy Charges 3 Algerians." The Inquirer report also made no mention of the plot to target the U.S.

Does the press think when the terrorists strike they're only going to hit Bush supporters, or what? lgf has more. And speaking of "blandly misleading" headlines, try this one, again from little green footballs:

The blandly misleading headline of the day, from the Associated Press (who, along with Reuters, has apparently stopped identifying when their wire stories are written by Palestinian stringers): Three Palestinians Killed in Violence. Of those “three Palestinians,” one blew himself up and the other two were “militants”involved in a gun battle.