Some Nights It's A Toss-Up

Which is more likely to induce a nightmare: a scary movie or a VDH column. Tonight I think the latter. Here, on Iran. He's moved away from the idea that Israel taking out any Iranian reactor would be the best solution (You have to read to find out what he thinks are choices are), and ends with this troubling conclusion:
Finally, the public must be warned that dealing with a nuclear Iran is not a matter of a good versus a bad choice, but between a very bad one now and something far, far worse to come.
I agree, but the fact that our intelligence turned out to be wrong (or at least, the Administration is saying it is and not willing to provide evidence that it wasn't) means neither Americans nor the world is going to receive that message without deep skepticism. Will we believe Iran is nuclear or will we think maybe it's just sabre-rattling, as apparently Saddam was? I'd like to hear how VDH would make the case.