Proving His Point

Zadok has it on the best authority that Deus Caritas Est will be published the 24th, on the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (though with an official release date of Dec. 8, Immaculate Conception, I think). It's reputed to be about eros. Zadok also finds a Telegraph story which gives us this foretaste:
"It is not totally negative on eros," a Vatican source said. "It argues that eros under the right circumstances is OK."
Did he really say that? What do you wanna bet "source" is being paraphrased rather than quoted? If the word were understood, the reporter would know it's going to be completely pro-eros, which proves how much such an Encyclical is needed. Undoubtedly the Holy Father will try to rescue eros from factors that degrade and destroy it.
UPDATE: It's official --the Pope spoke about the encyc. at his audience today.