Hang 'Em High

For those who don't read comboxes, here's a terrific response to my post on Russell Tice. The Dear Reader points out that not only Tice, but the NYT, in their zeal to "defend our civil liberties" (as they style it --I of course would style it in their zeal to aid the terrorists) are responsible certainly for a worse assualt on our civil liberties and conceivably their eradication altogether. To wit:
Of course, revealing this program will and MUST drive it further underground and become a more serious intrusion on phone conversations. This is what is necessary to allow our country to maintain the freedom that lets traitors print the plans that protect them. If T and the NYT succeeded in their decision to help the terrorists, of course the Shari'a not the Constitution would be in force, and they would lose any further opportunity to practice their treason. Ironic, isn't it?
The Left has become truly profane: it knows absolutely everything and the value of nothing.
UPDATE: Blackfive's none too happy with him, either.