Benedict Tice

Well, the rat's been outed --or outed himself, rather, in advance of prosecution no doubt. He was fired last year. We must be cautious before casting aspersions, but is anyone surprised to learn this? Here's how he desribes for ABC News the attitude towards al-Qaeda that he found objectionable:
The mentality was we need to get these guys, and we're going to do whatever it takes to get them, he said.

For example:
Tice says the technology exists to track and sort through every domestic and international phone call as they are switched through centers, such as one in New York, and to search for key words or phrases that a terrorist might use. "If you picked the word 'jihad' out of a conversation," Tice said, "the technology exists that you focus in on that conversation, and you pull it out of the system for processing."
According to Tice, intelligence analysts use the information to develop graphs that resemble spiderwebs linking one suspect's phone number to hundreds or even thousands more.

My honest reaction: damn straight! Then Tice says he doesn't think he's in danger of prosecution.
"As far as I'm concerned, as long as I don't say anything that's classified, I'm not worried," he said

Umm. Wasn't this entire program classified?