A Grace On The Feast of The Immaculate Conception


Happiness is mass without your kids in tow. Forgive me, Father, but it's true. How glorious to attend and not waste one second wondering if the baby is being intolerably loud. . .or only tolerably so.

Sorry for light blogging. The roof over my office was being replaced & it was just too dang cold to enter the room. Zadok has two great posts for the feast, including pictures and excerpts from the Holy Father's homily. Ninme has news-y stuff.

My only comment is on the White House Christmas card. Don't know if this story's been picked up all over the country, but locally folks have tried to stir up trouble over the fact the White House Christmas card doesn't say "Merry Christmas." The radio made it seem that Christian groups were complaining, although a cursory search hasn't turned up any evidence thereof. It seems more like MSM types serving in their role as agents provocateurs. Anyway, for the record, the card reads:

With best wishes for a holiday season of hope and happiness. 2005. [signed]
George W Bush, Laura Bush.

What the radio folks haven't told us, however, is that right above that greeting is a little verse:

The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. Psalm 28:7.

So while the card obviously tries not to offend Jewish or other supporters with a blanket "Merry Christmas," it's not right to say it's a secular card.