Georgina W.

It can't help but bring me down in your eyes, but I admit to having seen a few episodes of the Geena Davis-as-Hillary-as-President vehicle, Commander in Chief. (I used to like The West Wing, too, before they fired Adam Sorkin and the show became ER in the Oval Office.) It's fascinating, not because it's good, but because of what it reveals about Hollywood leftists (a different breed from actual liberals). Here's their opportunity to show us their ideal president --and she's nothing like Howard Dean.
For one thing, she's high-minded, never stooping to dirty tricks or ad hominem attacks. In one episode, for example, she's given footage of her chief Republican opponent --who is forever sabotaging her with dirty tricks-- making segregationist comments in his youth. Rather than end his career, she returns the original tape to him because she knows he's a different person now. Ah, yes, that's the liberal establishment I recognize today.
In another episode, with a damaging hurricane coming on, and the East Coast threatened by the possible spillage of thousands of barrels of oil from an offshore tanker, Mrs. Prez manfully dismisses all questions of jurisdiction to overrule a sitting Governor. I guess this was supposed to be a dig at Bush & his handling of Katrina, but I thought Liberals were against the Executive power grab supposedly taking place under Bush?
Then there's her use of the military. Liberals coast to coast may be protesting the use of U.S. force to liberate 50 million people from cruel regimes in Afghanistan & Iraq, but in the very first episode THIS president risks the wrath of the Arab street and the lives of people like Casey Sheehan to rescue a lone woman from being stoned to death for adultery. Just because it's the right thing to do.
So, as I see it, the scriptwriters have labored long and hard to come up with their ideal President, and, except for the skirt, she's George Bush.