¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Several friends of mine attended the beatification in Guadalajara today of Bl. José Luis Sanchez. Will give you a full report when they check in. I'm sure the ceremony was beautiful in the simple and spirited way only Mexicans can manage. (Once in Rome, I heard John Paul II say from his apartment window to a group of Mexican pilgrims who were chanting at an incredible volume for him that "Los mexicanos saben orar. Los mexicanos saben cantar. Pero más: ¡los mexicanos saben gritar!"*)
Last night at a party for the vigil of Christ the King, someone got the great idea of bringing in a mariachi band, and after a lot of singing and dancing we toasted the Lord with the cry of 14-yr-old José Luis before los Federales shot him: ¡Viva Cristo Rey! Happy feast day.
*Mexicans know how to pray and they know how to sing. But most of all, Mexicans know how to shout.