Links For the 1st Sunday of Advent

Not that all of them are exactly appropriate for a proper Christian sensibility, but here we are:

  • Zadok the Roman has a bunch of good stuff. For something Advent-y, scroll down to his account of the first vespers of Advent & our good papa's ad libbed comments.
  • Here's a story I meant to blog about last week and couldn't find the time. A local talk-show host brought it to our attention, and it's finally made national news, apparently. Get a load of what Montgomery CO, MD schools think "abstinence" is. It's doubly bad because not only does it utterly subvert parental efforts to insist on abstinence, a major purpose of the curriculum is to teach kids that NFP is an unreliable method of birth control. This is one of those cases where try though you might, I don't think you can but conclude that the school board deliberately tried to circumvent parental wishes.
  • And Ninme's actually been at work over the Thanksgiving break. As long as we're on the topic of our "culture's" bizarre obsession with sex, I think you'll enjoy this post. I leave it to you to decide if you have the stomach to read the whole article. I don't, but the post makes a point I would have loved to make, but now don't have to. Which is nice, because nice girls don't let their mothers know they've HEARD of such things.