Hurricane Relief Effort

If you're surfing at all, you probably know that today's been designated "Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief" day. When I checked, more than 1000 blogs were signed up to help. Now we're one more. Go here at Instapundit to donate to the charity of your choice. Here's the Catholic Charities site. And Truth Laid Bear is keeping track of all the bloghelp that's coming in.

Hey, and if you know any Catholic school students in New Orleans, my friend Joe Arlinghaus, principal of Cardinal Newman school in Houston wants to take 'em in this year --tuition free. Here's part of the message he sent me:

The Archdiocese of New Orleans had more than 50,000 children in its schools until this week. Hurricane Katrina has ended this year's schooling for more than 70,000 Catholic school children in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The Cardinal Newman School in Houston would like to offer itself to assist any of those children.

Do You Know A Displaced Family Here? Whether they paid their tuition already or not, most of these families have lost everything and cannot afford tuition anywhere. If you can refer us to any such family, we will offer to continue the child's Catholic formation for no cost within the Cardinal Newman School.