Am preparing six talks for a conference in NY this weekend, so light blogging today and tomorrow, and then none over the weekend. Here's a summary of the papal audience yesterday. Zenit has the full translation, plus highlights of the papal message to the "Meeting of Civilizations" being held in Turkey.
Interesting political stories in the past few days include some folks beginning to hit back against the Many Screeching Monkeys for their atrocious Katrina coverage, and Michael Brown's defense of himself (I love it when appointees refuse to roll over and allow themselves to be made scapegoats). Haven't had time to read carefully yet, but his testimony yesterday seems like fun.
Suggest you visit ninme, Queen of Links for interesting articles. She has the VDH on universities from the WSJ online that I've been meaning to post for days (BTW, he has a longer piece on the subject in the Claremont Review of Books this month), as well as the latest Hitch evisceration of his enemies (being mine also in this case, it's most pleasant to read). If your name is Nemo, a Japanese fisherman has found your nemesis, and the QoL's posted the report. Plus movie reviews and all your heroin-chic model needs. She's running a full-service blog over there.