One of the great perks of graduate school in DC is the "consortium" of schools that allow you to take advantage of courses offered at local universities you don't attend. Hence, while enrolled at Catholic U. for my M.A., my best courses came from Kenneth Schmitz at the JPII, and Walter Berns and Fr. Schall at G-town. Here's the first of a 3-part interview Fr. Schall gave to Ignatius on Education generally, but I love that he discusses here why Political Philosophy (NOT political science, dammit) is the highest of the practical sciences.
He also denies kids are any worse today than 40 years ago, and tells you how to read, to boot! When asked about whether education today is too specialized, he deniest it with this amusing remark.
I am inclined to think that education is not so much overly "specialized" as overly eclectic. I love the places where one can "major" in theology (six units) and fill it with one course in Islam and the other in Ethics, Christian or otherwise. In the meantime, the same student chooses a course in gay literature and Ben Jonson in the English department; he studies the history of Paraguay and the Ming Dynasty in History. In the meantime, he has a course in Basic Astronomy or Biology and Calculus. I suppose such a system looks "well-rounded," but it strikes me as essentially useless.