Steyn has a unique reaction to the London bombings, I think. He's not all that impressed by London's stiff-upper-lipdom. . .in fact, he fears it a little. Or more specifically, he fears that making the most of a bad situation is not an adequate response. And where most commentators are asking defiantly of the terrorists, "Is that all you got?" Steyn thinks the fact they could set off a bunch of bombs at precisely the moment the whole island was on high alert because of the G-8 is chilling. He also notes that many of the British jihadists were radicalized by Europe's lack of interest in Bosnia. Makes you wonder what effect Darfur is having, doesn't it?
Abdel Karim al-Tuhami al-Majati was another Europeanized Muslim radicalized by the 250,000 corpses of Bosnia. The fact most of us were unaware of the consequences of the European Union's lethargy on Bosnia until that chicken policy came home to roost a decade later should be sobering: It was what Don Rumsfeld, in a remark mocked by many snide media twerps, accurately characterized as an "unknown unknown" -- a vital factor so immersed you don't even know you don't know it. This is the beginning of a long existential struggle. It's hard not to be moved by the sight of Londoners calmly going about their business as usual in the face of terrorism. But, if the
political class goes about business as usual, that's not a stiff upper lip but a suicide cult.