Fun picture of B16 from today's audience. He must have been having a good day, because he also --when asked by one of the handicapped people he was blessing to do so-- took the guy's cell phone and spoke to whomever it was on the other line.
Here's his address. The English parts. And the whole thing (Italian, etc.). I like the way he relates the Psalmist's refrain that his "eyes are on the Lord" to Christ's teaching in Matthew that the eyes are the lamp of the soul and if the eyes are sound, the body will be filled with light. "In modo molto incisivo Gesù, nel Vangelo, afferma che l’occhio è un simbolo espressivo dell’io profondo, è uno specchio dell’anima (cfr Mt 6,22-23). Ebbene, il Salmo 122, ora proclamato, è tutto racchiuso in un incrociarsi di sguardi: il fedele leva i suoi occhi al Signore. . ." One of the great delights of Scripture study is discovering how the two testaments shed light on one another, no? The more we know the OT, the more Christ's words come to life. (Yes, I know: Duh. But it bears repeating).
Here's his Angelus message from Sunday. After preaching about the Eucharist, and after the Angelus, he greeted blood donors from around the world (there's what, a union now?) comparing them to the Ultimate Blood Donor. That strikes me as both apt and whimsical simultaneously.