At the time, Catholic bishops were writing "pastoral letters as to why nuclear weapons were dangerous. I got my Dartmouth mind working -- wouldn't it be funny to call up these guys, 30 of them, and ask them some rather elementary questions?" He called them directly, quoting from one letter: " 'You write that the cost to make an MX missile is a waste of money. How much do you think it costs?' 'You say the MX missile takes the arms race to a new level. How many warheads are on an MX missile?' I got the most outrageous, wacky, uninformed answers. Obviously what was going on -- the bishops had nothing to do with this. They had a left-wing staff, at the U.S. Catholic Conference in D.C., writing all this stuff. Those guys were well-informed. But the bishops didn't have a clue."
- They violate an important principle of Catholic social thought, subsidiarity. This is the principle that local solutions are best. You always want solutions to be made at the level of authority that is closest to the actual problem.
- They undermine their own teaching authority on matters of faith and morals. Remember this past election cycle when some left-wing group issued a press release arguing that John Kerry was the most Catholic member of Congress? We laughed, but judging solely by matching up votes with stands the bishops had taken, that was absolutely correct. The idea that being pro-life is a non-negotiable article of faith, whereas more than one position is possible on economic policy, was lost.
- Most importantly for the point I am making, they usurp the role of the laity, which at worst drives some people out of the Church (people who confuse the bishops' policy recommendations with dogma) and at best enervates the kind of creative Christian thinking about problems that we urgently need in order to build a civilization of justice and love. Why should I try to tackle a problem a new way if the bishops have already told me the "Catholic" position?
The sudden emergence of a "Catholic vote" in the 2004 election proves the bishops still have a powerful voice, I think. Even though they didn't agree with one another about how to handle the communion/pro-choice politician issue, the very fact the subject came up and was publicly debated seems to have had a dramatic effect. Why dilute that voice making specific policy recommendations rather than articulating clearly and loudly what the framework for debate ought to be? We don't need to know what the bishops think our tax rate ought to be, no matter how sound their position, because their ordination gave them no economic charism. That is, my Ordinary has no power qua bishop to opine on tax matters (qua citizen he is of course entitled to say what he likes).
On the other hand, lay people do need the sacraments in order to be sanctified; they do need the witness of holy priests, and they do need to be taught the fundamental principles of Catholic social thought --and then unleashed to find the most effective and creative ways to apply them. Without at all intending it, I think the ultimate message of a statement like the one linked above is that our pastors don't much trust us --the laity-- to find Christian solutions to the problems we face. Yet if the "role of the laity" means anything, it is that God has called each one of us not only to personal holiness, but to use our talents and creativity and work to sanctify the world we live in. With complete respect, I wish the bishops would let us. Don't hand-feed us the solutions and initiatives we ourselves are called to contribute. Instead, challenge lay-people to realize their own missions within the world.