Fruitful Collaboration Between Parishes & New Movements

RC2 suggests guidelines for happy collaboration between movements & parishes:

1). Vocations are not a zero sum game. No diocese is threatened by vocations to religious orders or vice versa. First, vocations are not interchangeable, but spirituality-specific. The closer one gets to religious orders (at least faithful ones), the more one sees the profound difference in calling between religious priesthood and diocesan priesthood. Second, a rising tide lifts all boats --the witness of a young person sacrificing himself or herself to persue any authentic vocation will spur generosity in others by example. Third, the Holy Spirit often uses attraction to one kind of a vocation as a means of discerning another --as witness the fact that orders such as the Legion of Christ, Missionaries of Charity, etc., send far more men to diocesan seminaries after "come and see" opportunities than they do to their own seminaries. It is small-minded and probably un-Christian to consider any legitimate work of the Holy Spirit a threat to one's own ecclesial or parish community.

1a.) Nevertheless, a little friendly rivalry is healthy because competition spurs all concerned to heights of achievement (in this case, more holiness, good works and vocations).

2). It takes all kinds to make a heaven. Remember the advice of Gamaliel in Acts 5? Not everything that you do not understand or find not to your taste is therefore malicious, suspicious, unorthodox, unfaithful, heretical or dangerous. Try to collaborate with others when you can. If differing styles or perspectives make that impossible, leave it at that. Unless he is openly preaching against the faith, leave another person his good name and let him work without comments from you, or as Gamaliel said, "You may find yourself working against God." Presumably the Spirit has raised all these different realities for a reason, no? Let others cultivate their own fields.

3). Respect the pastor's grace of state. Not every worthwhile project is the right worthwhile project for that parish at that time, and a praying pastor is likely to know better than anyone else what God's priority is for the parish he has been given to lead. Take the time to find out his priorities and see if you can help him accomplish them in some way --rather than hounding him to support the work you feel called to do.
4). If you find the member of a new movement to be overbearing, a good question to ask is, "How long have you been a member?" Generally the most obvious missteps movements make come from the newest, most excitable, and least mature members. A little patience and forgiveness, please.

5). Real Christians don't repeat hearsay. Not about pastors, not about institutions, not about movements, not about anyone. Let your yay mean yay and your nay mean nay. Your "I know someone whose cousin said x" is better kept to yourself. And if something bothers you, have a constructive chat with someone in a position to make changes. Pastors, this includes you. Usually movement members don't mean to push your buttons and a friendly heads-up would be far more productive than speaking ill of people behind their backs.
Perhaps more later.