EU Will Lack Substance, Says Benedict,

. . .if it is reduced to merely geographic and economic dimensions." Rather, "the union must consist above all in an agreement about values which find expression in its law and in its life."

"This rightly demands of each state a proper ordering of society that creatively reclaims the soul of Europe, acquired through the decisive contribution of Christianity, affirming the transcendent dignity of the human person and the values of reason, freedom, democracy and the constitutional state."
Interestingly, Benedict listed Edith Stein (under the name St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) as one of the great patrons of Europe, together w/ Cyril & Methodius, Catherine of Siena and Teresa of Avila.
This in an address to the new Macedonian ambassador the Holy See. The Pope called for Balkan entrance into the EU, saying "Europe needs the Balkan nations, and they need Europe." Source:, May 19th daily dispatch. Read the whole thing at the Zenit site.