Bush & Chaput at Catholic Prayer Breakfast

The Wheatandweeds attended the Catholic Prayer Breakfast bright and early this morning --thanks to the indulgence of a neighbor willing to take in the little Weedlets at 0-dark-hundred. 1600 people enjoyed this address from President Bush and this one (pdf format) from Bishop Chaput. Both must-reads. Bishop Chaput's address is entitled "Hope and its Daughters." It comes from an idea of St. Augustine. Hope has two daughters --anger and courage. Don't miss!
Here are a few other observations, in random order:
  • It was a little bit funny to have the President tell us of the importance of faith and Bishop Chaput lecture us on how to be good citizens!
  • The Prez. entered to a hero's welcome. In person he seems to be a man utterly at ease with himself. He and Bishop Chaput indulged in some sub-rosa amusing exchange before he was introduced, so I got the impression they know each other fairly well.
  • Chaput also received a hero's welcome.
  • One priest friend thought it was significant that Bush referred to us as Catholic Americans rather than American Catholics.
  • Bush also referred to George Washington as "the first George W.," and invoked with approval Benedict's wonderful phrase, "the dictatorship of relativism." May he quote it often! He also paid moving tribute to a Catholic chaplain wounded in Iraq last year and still recovering.
  • In his MC capacity, C-Fam president Austin Ruse thanked many people, including --by name-- a table full of evangelical guests. He thanked them for their support and said, "We put them up front so that everyone could see they are not praying to Mary. If your presence here gets you in trouble with any of your pastors, I don't know if there's anything we can do for you. . .except welcome you into the Church." Way to get the plugs in, Mr. Ruse.